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IconPKMBuy - What to do after the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet endgame?

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet changes the Pokemon formula by offering an open world that you can freely explore. While the main story thread offers more than the traditional journey to becoming the region's champion, the endgame offering is similar to most other games in the series. You have the opportunity to complete the Pokédex as well as several other activities. Here's everything you can do after beating Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's main story.

Compete in the Academy Aces Tournament in Pokemon SV

Compete in the Academy Aces Tournament
The biggest post-game event is the Academy Ace Tournament, where your classmates and some faculty will battle it out. However, before you can participate in this tournament, you must complete an "inspection" of the eight gyms in the Paldea region. This includes returning to each gym to face off with their leaders again, except this time they're swinging high-level Pokemon. You'll face Pokémon above level 65, with at least five Pokémon in every Gym Leader's team.

Completing all eight gyms will unlock the Academy Ace tournament. Tournaments consist of four rounds, and you'll need to win consecutively to win a tournament, though your Pokemon will automatically regenerate between battles. In these battles, your opponent will have level 65+ Pokemon and 5 or 6 Pokemon at their disposal. This tournament is replayable so you can fight as much as you want.

Advanced Tera Raid and Herba Mystica
After completing an Academy Ace Tournament, you'll unlock the ability to conduct five-star raids, which offer higher-level Pokémon and better rewards. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell what star a raid is from the map, so you'll need to explore to find five-star raids. After successfully defeating five-star raids 10 times, you'll unlock six-star raids, which offer some of the toughest challenges in the game. These appear in the form of Black Crystals throughout Paldea, and offer some exclusive rewards that can only be obtained through these Raids, such as Ability Patches and Herba Mystica. Five- and six-star raids are some of the toughest battles in the game, requiring high-level Pokémon and some decent strategy.

Mystic Grass appears in both five-star and six-star dungeons, but is more common in six-star dungeons. Herba Mystica is used to make Shiny Sandwiches, which makes finding Shiny Pokemon a lot easier, and Shiny hunters will want plenty of them. The Sweet variant of Herba Mystica can also be given to Mr. Saguaro, the Home Ec teacher, who asks you to bring him some. This will only happen after completing his coursework and advancing his storyline at the academy.

Catch an additional box Legendary Pokemon
By the end of the game, your Koraidon/Moraidon will no longer be limited to mounts, but you can use them in combat form as well. Due to their special nature, you cannot place them in a PC case, nor can you ride them with your party in combat form. To avoid this unnecessary headache, you can go back to area zero, where the game's final battle takes place, and you can grab another Koraidon/Moraidon, giving you a functioning copy of the Box Legendary Pokemon.

Catch the other four Legendary Pokemon
There are four other Legendary Pokémon, Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Chi-Yu, that can be caught in the Paldea region. These dark legends are locked in temples around the area, each with eight corresponding stakes. You'll need to find all eight to unlock the shrine and face the legendary Pokemon. For the exact location of each shrine and all the stakes, check out GameSpot's guide.

Once you're done with the storyline, it's great to finish Pokémon Pokédex. For more Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides, check out at PKMBuy, and of course, you can buy shiny Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and Held Items here.