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How to become PKMBuy Member?

Click “Sign Up” or the avatar at the top - Enter a valid email address and set a password - confirm and sign up. You will instantly become our member and get at least a 2% discount on your subsequent orders.

The member discount rate will increase based on your order total (one US dollar you spend = one member point).



How to use Member Discount?

Log in to your account before making an order. The discount will take effect automatically when you checkout.

You can log in to your account and click “My Account” to check your member level.

The member discount and coupon code can stack. For example, a member of level 3 can get 19% off with a 10% off coupon code.


What else can I enjoy if I become the member?

● Fast Shipment PKMBuy members can get their goods faster.

● Instant Refund PKMBuy members can get eligible refunds instantly.

● Prime Service PKMBuy members can get exclusive customer service.

● Unique Icon PKMBuy members can get a shiny member icon.