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Shipping Policy

When will my order be delivered ?

We will make the delivery soon after we confirm the order. The waiting time is usually within 15 minutes, not over one hour.


Possible reasons for not receiving the order confirmation:

- You put an incorrect email address.

- The email is mistagged to your spam folder.

- Your email server blocks our emails.


Why does my order not arrive within the promised time ?

The delivery may delay because of some unexpected reasons. We will inform you via email when the delivery delays. You can reply to the email or contact us on Live Chat. We ensure a 24/7 instant response.


Possible reasons for the order delay:

- Server is updating/fixing/maintaining.

- The internet connection is unstable.

- You put incorrect player information.

- Short of stocks due to huge needs


You can contact our 24 hours live chat to check your order status.

You can log in to your account and check your order status if you have joined our membership.


Why do I only receive a partial delivery ?

Sometimes your order is too big. We need to deliver several times. Your entire order will arrive within the promised time under normal circumstances.

In other circumstances, the delivery may interrupt due to unexpected issues like internet disconnection, server update, or other problems. We will notify you via live chat or email. We will fix the issue and finish the delivery as soon as possible.